Valueguest and the GDPR
Data security represents for us one of the fundamental pillars of our work. This is why we undertake to periodically review our security policies aiming to constantly improve them in favor of our users.

What is the GDPR?
The GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) is a regulation with which the European Commission intends to strengthen and make more homogeneous the protection of the personal data of citizens of the European Union and residents of the European Union, both inside and outside. the borders of the European Union (EU). The text, adopted on April 27, 2016, was published in the European Official Journal on May 4, 2016 and entered into force on May 25 of the same year, and will begin to take effect on May 25, 2018. More information is available at the following address: https: //

 Valueguest’s Privacy Policy.
We aim to make our privacy policy understandable and transparent. Our policies clearly describe the data we process, the rules of processing and the partners we rely on for processing.
Data Processor and Data Controller
We are the Data Controller with respect to all personal data concerning you (the End User of our Service). For example: your registration data, email, name, surname and so on.
You are the Data Controller and we are the Data Processor with respect to all personal data recorded by you on our Service, for example: data of guests staying at your property, information regarding the owners of the properties you manage, other information. Therefore:
• the User undertakes to comply with the requirements of the GDPR by being in turn Data Controller towards his End Users
• We undertake to inform all our Users by showing them our Privacy Policy
• it will be the User’s responsibility – as Data Controller – make sure that you have in turn collected the consent to the processing of personal data from its End Users; and to present our Privacy Policy to them, where necessary

Features in support of the GDPR
• Data portability: you can export the data recorded on Valueguest through the dedicated export section that you find in your account.
• Right to cancel: at any time you can request the cancellation of your account and the data associated with it. This action is irreversible. At this time, you must contact us at and request the deletion of your account. Soon it will be possible to permanently delete your account, independently.
• Features for the User: we will release additional features that will allow you to better adhere to the new legislation.

Data Protection Officer (DPO)
We have appointed a Data Protection Officer. For more information, you can contact us at the dedicated address
For more information and questions, you can contact us at